Thermodynamics – How is Entropy a State Function?


Is there only one reversible way to move from one state to another?

If we consider two states $A$ and $B$ on an isotherm and we move from $A$ to $B$ by first reversible isochoric process and then reversible isobaric process. Now the path followed should be reversible since both the processes were reversible. But what about simply following the reversible isothermal process?

According to me both processes should be reversible. Now entropy is the heat added reversibly to move from one state to another divided by the temperature at which it is added. But we know that the heat added to the system is different in both the cases. Then how is entropy a state function?

Best Answer

Your question goes right in the kernel of the meaning of the term state function.

A state function is a function defined over all possible states of the system such that its value for every state does not depend on how the system reached the state. Each state has a definite and unique value for the given state function.

The state $A$ has a definite value for the state function entropy, $S(A)$. The same for the state $B$, which gives $S(B)$. Thus the difference in entropy between the states $A$ and $B$ is simply $\Delta S=S(B)-S(A)$ and this value does not depend on the process that takes $A$ to $B$. The difference $\Delta S$ between $A$ and $B$ exists even for irreversible paths and it has always the same value.

In the case of entropy, there is some subtlety though. The way we calculate the difference $\Delta S$ is always $$\Delta S=\int_{\mathrm{rev}}\frac{dQ}{T},$$ where the integral has to be computed through a reversible process. There is a plenty of reversible process from $A$ to $B$ but we just choose the simplest one for calculations.