[Physics] How is complex permittivity measured

complex numbersdielectricelectrical-resistanceelectromagnetismMeasurements

Complex relative permittivity is defined as

$$\epsilon_r = \frac{\epsilon(\omega)}{\epsilon_0}=\epsilon_r^{\prime}(\omega) + i\epsilon_r^{\prime\prime}(\omega) = \epsilon_r^{\prime}(\omega) + \frac{i\sigma}{\omega\epsilon_0}$$

Measuring the real static permittivity, $\epsilon_r(\omega=0)$, can be done by a plate capacitor, $\epsilon_r=\frac{C_x}{C_0}$. But how can I get a chart like this one?

enter image description here

EDIT: A practical question about the same thing was posted on electronics.SE.

Best Answer

First make a parallel plate capacitor with plates of area A and spacing d. Fill the space between the plates with the dielectric whose complex permittivity $\epsilon(\omega)$ you wish to measure.

The formula for this capacitance is a complex function of frequency because the permittivity is a complex function of frequency. $$ C(\omega)={{\epsilon(\omega)A}\over{d}} $$ This capacitor has a complex impedance $Z(\omega)$ which is also a function of frequency $$ Z(\omega)={1\over {i\omega C(\omega)}}={1 \over {i\omega {{\epsilon(\omega)A}\over d}}} $$ Rearranging gives $$ \epsilon(\omega)={d\over {i\omega Z(\omega)A}} $$

Now from a signal generator put a voltage $V sin(\omega t)$ across Z, measure the amplitude ($I(\omega)$) and phase shift ($\delta(\omega)$) of the current $I(\omega) sin(\omega t - \delta(\omega))$ that flows through Z, and use Ohm's law to calculate the complex impedance. $$ Z(\omega)={V \over {I(\omega)}}e^{i\delta (\omega)} $$ Plug this into the previous equation to get the complex $\epsilon(\omega)$.

There are commercial instruments called LCR Meters or Network Analyzers which have a signal generator built in and are used to measure complex impedances as described above.

This method will work to about 1 GHz. Studying the transmission and reflection in a dielectric filled wave guide will work for about 1-10 GHz. Infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light transmission and reflection from the dielectric can be used at higher frequencies. Remember the index of refraction is also complex and related to $\epsilon$ by: $$ n = \sqrt{\epsilon \mu} $$ The materials are often non-magnetic so the magnetic permeability $\mu$ is very close to the constant $\mu_0$.

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