[Physics] How is a photon measured


If photons transmit the electromagnetic force, which is observable: the photon or the electron? Do we ever directly measure a photon, or do we only measure it's effect on electrons. For example suppose I shine a laser at a wall. A red dot will be visible on the wall. We can understand this in terms of the motion of photons; they build up inside the laser, they are focused to move in one direction, then they scatter off the wall and reach my eye. Alternatively, we could understand this in terms of the motion of electrons. As they transition to different energy states, the electrons induce their neighboring electrons to also make certain allowed energy state transitions. This process continues out of the laser, through the air, against the wall, and into my eyes. In this case, the photons were never directly observed. We observed electrons moving in the laser and electrons moving in the wall, and inferred that there must have been photons in between to transfer the energy and momentum. I guess my question is whether photons are an observable thing or are they just used for book-keeping? Do the photons "exist" in between the electrons?

Best Answer

If photons transmit the electromagnetic force, which is observable: the photon or the electron? Do we ever directly measure a photon, or do we only measure it's effect on electrons. For example suppose I shine a laser at a wall

Let us clear up that photons ( and also electrons) are quantum mechanical elementary particles, and classical electromagnetic waves (light) emerges from zillions of photons in synergy.

Also the laser is one of the "proofs" of quantum mechanics macroscopically, i.e. if the quantum mechanical particle nature of light were not there we would not have lasers.

I guess my question is whether photons are an observable thing or are they just used for book-keeping? Do the photons "exist" in between the electrons?

This then becomes a philosophical question. "Observable things" are what our five senses tell us individually, out of which we have a consensus of what is reality and real. A system was then evolved of classifying common "observations", to the point of developing mathematical models for these observations that predicted new observations and fitted with our intuitions. When some observations for the microscopic part of matter stopped agreeing with our mathematical models of physical reality quantum mechanics had to be invented, a mathematical model appropriate for the small dimensions. Photons as elementary particles are part of the "language" developed to comprehend experimental data, and electrons and protons etc are other. A photon is as real as an electron or a proton. We observe all these through experimental proxies ( analogues carrying information). A photon is as real as temperature. The proxy for temperature is a thermometer and eventually a program in our brain interpreting all.

Now that we have established what we mean by real in the microcosm, the red laser light is composed of zillions of photons. These are scattered by the electric field of the atoms on the wall without losing energy, since you see them red going and coming, and some of them raise the energy levels in the cones in the retina of your eye to give the signal to the brain of "red", by way of other electromagnetic interactions traveling on neurons etc etc entering the brain model. It is all models, the quantum mechanical one well validated, the brain one still in research, but it is all successful modeling of what we observe.

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