[Physics] How hard would I hit the ground on Mars


How do you calculate with how much force a mass would hit the ground when falling from a certain height?

In particular, I'm curious to know how the force of impact on Earth compares with Mars, so surface gravity needs to be accounted for.

According to wikipedia, Mars has a surface gravity of $3.711 m/s^2$ or $0.33895G$ and Earth has a surface gravity of $9.8067 m/s^2$ or $1G$. So, assuming a 100 meter fall, how hard would 100kg hit the ground?

Best Answer

The answer to this is relatively simple. Assuming an inexisting atmosphere (and thus terminal velocity) on mars, the kinetic energy of the weight equals its potential energy.

Potential energy is calculated relatively simple:

$$E_p = m \cdot g \cdot h$$

now if you wanted to find out how fast the mass would impact on mars, you can set this equal to the kinetic energy you get after completely using up that potential (aka. when you fall 100 m):

$$ \frac{1}{2} \cdot m \cdot v^2 = m \cdot g \cdot h$$

now with a little standard mathematics, you arrive at a formula for your velocity, depending on height of where you start from:

$$ v = \sqrt{2 \cdot g \cdot h} $$

Interestingly (and as mentioned in the already existing answer) the velocity can be removed from the equation. For the sake of the demonstration let's calculate it either way:

$$ v = \sqrt{2 \cdot 3.711 \frac{m}{s^2} \cdot 100 m} = \sqrt {742.2 \frac {m^2}{s^2}} = 27.24... \frac {m}{s}$$

This is a roundabout $100 \frac{km}{h}$, give or take. (or a little more than 60 mph).

Anyways since you wanted to know about the "Force" of the collision...

How much force does it take to stop $100kg$ with a velocity of $100 \frac{km}{h}$?

The question here is... How fast do you want to stop? The slower you stop, the less continuously applied force is required.

When we multiply our velocity and the mass we get an Impulse (which is $F \cdot\Delta t$ or $m \cdot v $). We now know the impulse of our mass: $2700 Ns$

To get this stopped in a tenth of a second (which is an extremely optimistic guess, assuming falling on the hard mars), you need a whopping: $27 kN$