[Physics] How exactly does WiTricity’s wireless power transfer using resonance work


The WiTricity group has made a lot of buzz but no internet article explains the exact method that they are using. Does anyone know how it works?

Best Answer

The method that WiTricity implements is that of magnetic resonance coupling. Resonance is done to ensure efficient exchange of energy between the transmitter and the receiver.

The method is very simple. If you take a coil and pass alternating current through it, it will produce alternating magnetic field around itself (like a solenoid). Now, place another coil in the vicinity of the first coil. The alternating magnetic field causes alternating flux through the second coil. This generates an emf in second coil and hence provides power to load.

Witricity's method created a buzz because they portrayed it as a new invention but actually its just an improved version of inductive coupling.

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