[Physics] How exactly does a Tesla coil make fluorescent light glow


I know that the secondary coil used in the Tesla coil radiates electromagnetic waves in the surroundings.
This radiation makes the electrons in the fluorescent material of the light oscillate, and they emit photons.

My question is,

  1. Does this oscillating electromagnetic field (i)excite the electrons in the fluorescent material directly, or (ii)does it excite the gas to emit UV, which in turn, excite the fluorescent material?

  2. Tesla coils generate an electromagnetic field with frequency in the radio wave region. If (i) (in Q1) is true, then how does low-frequency radio waves excite the fluorescent material to emit visible light (of higher frequency)?

  3. If (ii) is true, then how can radio waves excite gas molecules to generate UV?

  4. If (i) is true, then can we use Tesla coil to excite proteins with fluorescence tag, or proteins like Green Fluorescent Protein, so that they emit without any light of higher frequency exciting them? (Actually, in case (i) is true, I want to do this experiment, that's why I am asking)

Best Answer

The radio frequency photons emitted by a Tesla coil are much too low energy to directly excite atoms to emit visible (~2 eV) or UV photons (~6 eV) . A 1 MHz radio photon ($h\nu=4\times 10^{-9}eV$) is also way too low in energy to ionize an atom which requires ~10 eV.

What actually happens is that the near electric field from the Tesla coil accelerates any free electrons in the tube's low pressure gas. These electrons pick up enough energy before they collide with another gas atom that they ionize that gas atom. The ionized electrons are then accelerated and ionize further atoms. When electrons fall back onto the ionized atoms, visible light (as in a neon filled tube) or UV light (from mercury vapor in a fluorescent tube) is emitted. The phosphor coating on the inside of the fluorescent tube is excited by the UV photons or by the accelerated electrons directly.

For some numbers, suppose the peak voltage between the ends of a 1 meter long tesla coil is $10^5$ volts. The near electric field is then $10^5 volts/meter$. The mean free path of an electron in the low pressure gas (pressure=100 um Hg) is ~1 mm. Thus the electron is accelerated to ~100 eV which is more than enough energy to ionize an atom.