[Physics] How exactly does a bulb light up


A typical value for the electron drift velocity in a copper wire is $10^3\ \mathrm{m\ s^{-1}}$. In the circuit below, the length of the copper wire joining the negative terminal of the batter to the lamp is $0.50\ \mathrm{m}$.

circuit diagram

(i) The switch S is closed. Calculate the time it would take for an electron to move from the negative terminal of the battery to the lamp.

(ii) The lamp lights in a time much less than that calculated in (e)(i). Explain this observation.

In the second part, I can't imagine the situation. I reckon that not all electrons travel with a drift velocity, so the faster ones reach the bulb and make it glow.

But how exactly does this lighting happen? The electron comes in contact with the circuitry and lights up the bulb, or is it because of the electric field?

Best Answer

A single electron takes some time to move from the battery to the bulb but the lamp lights up faster than that. The reason is due to the fact that it is not the electrons travelling from the battery that light up the lamp when it is first lit, rather due to nearby electrons. The electric field is set up almost instantaneously in the circuit due to movement of electrons from their initial position all over the wire,(at the speed of nearly c, depending on the medium) and the electrons nearer to the lamp pass through the circuit lighting it. So even if the drift velocity of the electrons is so small, the lamp gets lit up.