[Physics] How exact is the analogy between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory

partition functionpath-integralquantum-field-theorystatistical mechanicswick-rotation

Famously, the path integral of quantum field theory is related to the partition function of statistical mechanics via a Wick rotation and there is therefore a formal analogy between the two. I have a few questions about the relation between the two objects.

  1. Loop diagrams in quantum field theory have a nice interpretation in terms of virtual particles. What is the interpretation of loops in statistical mechanics?

  2. Does the relation between the two objects imply that for every quantum mechanical phenomenon there's a corresponding statistical mechanics phenomenon and vice versa? If not, where does the analogy fail?

  3. If so, what would be the phenomena analogous to the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect? It's hard for me to see the analog for any quantum effect that depends on phase interference like the AB effect.

Best Answer

I think it will depend the kind of statistical mechanics. For classical statistical mechanics, there is no time, so it is really hard to imagine a nice physical picture of the propagation of something. But nevertheless we still talk of loops as propagating "particles" (we give the "momenta", for instance, which is conserved, etc.). Interestingly, renormalization (a la Wilson) is easier to understand on a physical ground in statistical physics, where the coarse graining has a very nice interpretation.

On the other hand, in quantum statistical physics, the analogy is bit more direct, though time is still imaginary, so nothing really propagates. But in some sense, we still sum over all the possibilities (in a static sense, though). In this case, AB effect will give the quantization of the flux, or the Quantum Hall Effect.

Anyway, concerning the first question, keep in mind that loops, Feynman diagrams and virtual particles are artifacts of pertubation theory, and therefore have no real physical interpretation.