[Physics] How doI find the average induced emf in a coil given the rate of change of flux density, and the area of the coil

electric-circuitselectromagnetic-inductionelectromagnetismmagnetic fieldsvoltage

The magnetic flux density changes from +10 T to -10T in 5 seconds. The area of the coil is 2.5 m^2. What is the average emf induced?

By Faraday's law, this will be equal to the change in magnetic flux linkage / the time taken for this change to occur. But the net change in magnetic flux linkage is 0, so there should be no 'net' emf induced.. Intuitively, however, I know that there will be some non-zero emf induced because the flux in the circuit is changing.

Best Answer

Let's call $B$ the value of the magnetic field, and let's assume that

$$ B(t) = B(0) -\alpha t$$

where, here, $B(0) = 10\,T$ and $\alpha = 4\,T\cdot s^{-1}$. Then the flux of $B$ through the coil, whose area is $A = 2.5\,m^2$, is

$$\Phi(t) = A(B(0) - \alpha t)$$

Then, Faraday's law tells us that, with the appropriate orientation, this causes an electromotive force $e$ where

$$ e = -\frac{\textrm{d}\Phi}{\textrm{d}t} = A\alpha$$

If you only know that $B(0) = 10\,T$ and $B(t=5\,s)=-10\,T$, then

$$ \langle e \rangle = \frac{1}{T} \int\limits_0^T e\,\textrm{d} t = \frac{1}{T}\left[ -\Phi\right]_0^T = \frac{A(B(0) - B(T))}{T}$$

In both cases, the result is

$$ \langle e \rangle = 10\,V$$

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