[Physics] How does the wavelength change in relativistic limit


In the text, it reads that the momentum of a particle will change if it is moving at speed close to light speed. In the general case, the wavelength is given as
\lambda = \frac{h}{p}
$$p = \frac{mv}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}}$$
when $v \to c$, $p\to\infty$, so is it say that the wavelength is ZERO? I don't understand why the wavelength will change to zero if it is moving at speed very close to light speed?

Best Answer

Lorentz contraction! The measured de Broglie wavelength in the direction of propagation vanishes because that's what special relativity says happens. The wavelength has to go as $h/p$ as you wrote, so why does it surprise you that when $p$ gets large the wavelength gets small?