[Physics] How does the voltage between two charged sheets change if change their distance


Suppose I have two charged capacitor plates that both are isolated and carry a charge density $D = \frac QA$. According to textbook physics the electric field between them is given by $E=\frac D {\epsilon\epsilon_0}$ and the voltage by $U = Ed = \frac {Dd}{\epsilon\epsilon_0}$ with $d$ the distance between the plates. According to the formula for the voltage from above I could set any voltage between the plates if I just separate them far enough from each other and also the electric field would be constant no matter how far the plates are apart which is also quite counter-intuitive. As far as I remember this is true as long as $d$ is small compared to the size of the charged plates.

But what if this condition no longer holds? What is happening then? Is there another formula for this case that is comparably simple? I would suppose that for very large $d$ the whole thing can be seen as two point charges which would give a $\frac1r$ dependency of the voltage. But what is happening in between?

Best Answer

Here is a simplified approach to this question-I hope it is not too simplistic. Sorry I could not upload the mathematics and the illustrating diagram from my computer file. I need to learn how to do this, or I would appreciate if someone could leave some ideas.

Basically the approach by "MyUserIsThis" is intuitively sound. The analysis is not detailed enough to show how V depends on d (distance between the plates) at small and large d.

Imagine the two parallel plates $P_1$ and $P_2$ with finite Area $A_1$ and $A_2$, carrying eletric charges with uniform densities $D_1$ (charge $+Q_1$) and $D_2$ (charge $-Q_2$) respectively. The plates are placed on top of each other ($P_2$ above $P_1$). We assume uniform densities for simplicity. Now, choose two differential elements: $dA_1 = dx_1dy_1$ on $P_1$ at point ($x_1, y_1, 0$) and $dA_2=dx_2dy_2$ on $P_2$ at point ($x_2, y_2, d$). The potential difference between the plates is given from standard electrostatic theory, leading to the following general but ‘complicated’ double integral on the surfaces $A_1$ and $A_2$

$V(d)=-\frac{D_1D_2}{4\pi \epsilon_o} \int_{A1,A2} dA_1dA_2 \frac{1}{\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2+d^2}}$

However, for large $d$-values, due to the small size of the plates, the terms $(x_2-x_1)^2$ and $(y_2-y_1)^2$ are very small compared to $d^2$, so that the above equation reduces to this

$V(d)=-\frac{D_1D_2A_1A_2}{4\pi \epsilon_o} \frac1d= \frac{-Q_1Q_2}{4\pi \epsilon_o} \frac1d$

Therefore, the potential difference drops as $1/d$, which is equivalent to saying that for large $d$, the two plates see each other as point particles of charge $+Q_1$ and $-Q_2$, as mentioned in the previous answer. I hope this adds some clarity to the answer.