[Physics] How does the temperature of the triple point of water depend on gravitational acceleration

order of magnitudethermodynamics

Suppose I do two experiments to find the triple point of water, one in zero-g and one on Earth. On Earth, water in the liquid or solid phase has less gravitational potential per unit mass than water in the gas phase. Therefore, the solid and liquid phases should be favored slightly more on Earth than in zero-g.

In a back-of-the-envelope calculation, how does the temperature of the triple-point of water depend on the gravitational acceleration and, if necessary, on the mass of water and volume and shape of container?

Let's say I have a box in zero-g. The box is one meter on a side. It has nothing in it but water. Its temperature and pressure are just right so that it's at the triple point. All the water and ice and steam are floating around the box because it's zero-g.

Now I turn on gravity. The liquid water and ice fall to the bottom of the box, but the average height of the steam remains almost half a meter above the bottom of the box. So when gravity got turned on, the potential energy of the ice and liquid water went down significantly, but the potential energy of the steam didn't. Doesn't this mean that once gravity is turned on, water molecules would rather be part of the ice or liquid phase so that they can have lower energy? Wouldn't we no longer be at the triple point?

Several people have posted saying the answer is "no". I don't disbelieve that. Maybe the answer is just "no". I don't understand why the answer is no. Answers such as "No, because gravity doesn't affect the triple point," or "No, because the triple point only depends on pressure and temperature" simply restate the answer "no" with more words.

Best Answer

This is perhaps similar to what mbq meant, but I will elaborate. The T-p phase diagram of water tells us, for a given temperature and pressure, what phase we will get if we have a bunch of that substance. If I apply different pressures to a bottle of water, I am moving around in the p-direction of the T-p plane. I am not changing the pressure of the triple point of water, just changing the pressure of that particular bottle of water! Similarly, if a tank of water is in a gravitational field, it affects the pressure. In fact, it leads to different pressures at different locations of the tank. It could lead some parts of the tank to freeze, for example. But it does not in any way change the triple point of water itself, which is an intrinsic property of that substance. So I would say that the question is ill-posed. It might be better to ask: what will happen to a tank of water at a given temperature and density if we now apply a gravitational field?

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