[Physics] How does the sun really produce light in terms of waves


Electromagnetic waves are caused by changing electric and magnetic fields, and these are caused by a charge possible oscillating like an antenna or a varying current etc.

My question is, with the sun, where is this source that causes the electric and magnetic fields to oscillate.

Everywhere I've read stated that it was due to the energy released from nuclear fusion, but when looking at the process of nuclear fusion there are no charges produced. How is this 'energy' supposedly producing the same effect as an electron oscillating?

Best Answer

This is not technically very exact since the reasoning is classical but that energy you're talking about mostly turns into heat and when something is hot it's constituents; ionic cores and electrons, move around, collide, and oscillate violently and since these constituents are charged you essentially have a bunch of oscillating charges sending out light since that is what accelerating charges do.

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