[Physics] How does the Lorentz transformation $\Lambda^{\mu}{}_{\nu}$ transform


For example the Four-velocity transforms as $$U^{a'}=\Lambda^{a'}{}_{\nu}U^{\nu},$$
the Faradaytensor as $$F^{a'b'}=\Lambda_{\,\,\mu}^{a'}\Lambda_{\,\,\nu}^{b'}F^{\mu\nu}$$ or in Matrixnotation:
$$F'=\Lambda F\Lambda^{T},$$
where $\Lambda^{T}$ is the Transpose of the Matrix.

But the Lorentz matrix $\Lambda^{\mu}{}_{\nu}$ is not a tensor.
Does $\Lambda$ transform anyway like a second rank tensor in the same way like the Faradaytensor?

Best Answer

Indeed, to add to orion's answer, the definition of a vector (and / or spinor) in physics (as opposed to the mathematical definition as an element of a linear space over a field) is most often stated in terms of how the object concerned transforms (e.g. see my answer here) when "co-ordinate transformations" are made: more precisely, when one switches between two overlapping charts of a manifold. Vectors transform like the members of tangent spaces to manifolds. "Covectors" or one-forms are linear functionals of vectors. Then tensors are simply general multilinear functionals of vectors and / or one-forms. I really like the language and teaching style of Misner Thorne and Wheeler "Gravitation" here, also replicated in the early part of Kip Thorne's lectures here.

The Lorentz transformation, on the other hand is a kind of co-ordinate transformation, and, as such, a vector / oneform / tensor must, by definition, transform in the prescribed way by it.

So tensors, vectors and n-forms are defined by how their components behave in response to co-ordinate transformations. If you like, tensors, vectors and n-forms are a kind of "software" (or "machine" to use Kip Thorne's and Misner/Thorne/Wheeler wording) that is built to a specification of how that software/machine must react to various inputs. In this analogy, the Lorentz transformation is one of the inputs for the machine addressed by the specification.