Quantum Mechanics – How Does Quantization Arise in Quantum Mechanics?

discretequantum mechanics


I'm trying to build an intuition for what quantization really means and came up with the following two possible "visualizations":

  1. The quantization of the energy levels of a harmonic oscillator is the result of a wave function that is confined in a potential well (namely of quadratic profile). It is the boundary conditions of that well that give rise to standing waves with a discrete number of nodes—hence the quantization.

  2. Photons are wave packets, i.e., localized excitations of the electromagnetic field that happen to be traveling at the speed of light.

On the one hand, #1 explains quantization as the result of the boundary conditions, and on the other hand #2 explains it as the localization of an excitation. Both pictures are perfectly understandable from classical wave mechanics and yet we don't think of classical mechanics as quantized.


With the above in mind, what is intrinsically quantized about quantum mechanics? Are my "intuitions" #1 and #2 above contradictory? If not, how are they related?

PS: Regarding #2, a corollary question is: If photons are wave packets of the EM field, how does one explain the fact that a plane, monochromatic wave pervading all of space, is made up of discrete, localized excitations?

My question is somewhat distinct from this one in that I'd rather not invoke the Schrödinger equation nor resort to any postulates, but basically build on the two intuitions presented above.

Best Answer

First and second quantization
Quantization is a misleading term, since it implies discreteness (e.g., of the energy levels), which is not always the case. In practice (first) quantization refers to describing particles as waves, which in principle allows for discrete spectra, when boundary conditions are present.

The electromagnetic waves behave in a similar fashion, exhibiting discrete spectra in resonators. Thus, technically, quantization of the electromagnetic field corresponds to second quantization of particles.

Second quantization arises when dealing with many-particle systems, when the focus is not anymore on the wave nature of the states, but on the number of particles in each state. The discreteness (of particles) is inherent in this approach. For the electromagnetic field this corresponds to the first quantization, and the filling particles, whose number is counted, are referred to as photons. Thus, photon is not really a particle, but an elementary excitation of electromagnetic field. Associating a photon with a wave packet is misleading, although it appeals to intuition. (One could argue however that physically observed photons are always wave packets, since to have truly well-defined energy they would have to exist for infinite time, which is not possible.)

This logic of quantization is applied to other wave-like fields, such as wave excitations in crystals: phonons (sound), magnons, etc. One speaks sometimes even about diffusons - quantized excitation of a field described by the duffusion equation.

Uncertainty relation
An alternative way to look at quantization is from the point of view of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. One switches from classical to quantum theory by demanding that canonically conjugate variables cannot be measured simultaneously (e.g., position and momentum, $x,p$ can be simultaneously measured in classical mechanics, but not in quantum mechanics). Mathematically this means that the corresponding operators do not commute: $$ [\hat{x}, \hat{p}_x]_- = \imath\hbar \Rightarrow \Delta x\Delta p_x \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}.$$ The discreteness of spectra then shows up as discrete eigenvalues of the operators.

This procedure can be applied to anything - particles or fields - as long as we can formulate it in terms of Hamiltonian mechanics and identify effective position and momenta, on which we then impose the non-commutativity. E.g., for electromagnetic field, one demands the non-commutativity of the electric and the magnetic fields at a given point.

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