[Physics] How does one calculate the position eigenvalues of the matrix corresponding to the position operator

harmonic-oscillatorhilbert-spacematrix elementsoperatorsquantum mechanics

The matrix representation corresponding to the position operator is:

$$x = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2 m \omega}} \left[
0 & \sqrt{1} & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\
\sqrt{1} & 0 & \sqrt{2} & 0 & \cdots \\
0 & \sqrt{2} & 0 & \sqrt{3} & \cdots \\
0 & 0 & \sqrt{3} & 0 & \cdots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots
\end{array}\right] \, .$$

I found this matrix is this article by Eric Weisstein (equation (3)). Now every symmetric, finite dimensional is diagonalizable (see 5.20 in this article). But in this case, the matrix corresponding to $x$ is symmetric but infinite dimensional. So this matrix can't be normalized in the "normal" way by solving the characteristic polynomial.

I know the position eigenfunctions are the delta Dirac functions (actually, distibutions). But how to get the eigenvalues (which have a continuous spectrum) from this matrix. I.e. how to diagonalize this matrix in which (the diagonalized matrix) the diagonal elements resemble the collection of real numbers?

Best Answer


To start with, set the pesky and useless constants $\hbar/m\omega \mapsto 1 $, to work in natural units. You then recognize the matrix, as Eric emphasizes by identifying to his (5), as written in the number basis of oscillator discrete energy eigenstates $|n\rangle$. Now for a celebrated basis change. Infinity should not bother you.

Consider the state $$ |q\rangle\equiv \sum_n \psi^*_n(x) |n\rangle , $$ where $\psi_n(x)= \langle x|n\rangle $, are (real) Hermite functions, eigenfunctions of the oscillator Schroedinger operator in the x representation-- dot with $\langle m|$: get it? Dotting with $\langle y|$ and exploiting the completeness of said Hermite functions, $$\langle y|q\rangle =\sum_n \psi^*_n(x) \psi_n(y)=\delta(x-y), $$ so you identify this state with $|q\rangle=|x\rangle$.

The pros normally use simpler operators instead of complete sums; that is, they sum the sum to $$ |x\rangle =\frac{e^{x^2/2}}{\pi^{1/4}} e^{-(a^\dagger-\sqrt{2} x)^2/2}|0\rangle , $$ so that , as you should check, $$ \hat{x} |x\rangle= \frac{(a+a^\dagger)}{\sqrt 2} ~ \frac{e^{x^2/2}}{\pi^{1/4}} e^{-(a^\dagger-\sqrt{2} x)^2/2} |0\rangle= x~\left ( \frac{e^{x^2/2}}{\pi^{1/4}} e^{-(a^\dagger-\sqrt{2} x)^2/2} |0\rangle \right ) =x|x\rangle ~. $$

So the answer to your question is the eigenvalues are all continuous values x, for eigenvectors $e^{x^2/2} e^{-(a^\dagger-\sqrt{2} x)^2/2} |0\rangle /\pi^{1/4} $.

To check your algebra, try the evident unnormalized eigenvector corresponding to x=0, $(1,0,-1/\sqrt{2},0,\sqrt{3/8},0,-\sqrt{5}/4,0,...)$, associated to Hermite numbers.

For a quick crib-sheet on the number basis ops cf Messiah, Quantum Mechanics vI Ch XII §5.

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