[Physics] How does friction and mass of the string influence the tension force


According to my book, "tension is the reaction of a rope when it is stressed". Then it also said when the string is massless, tension is same everywhere. However in a,let, pulley-rope system,when there is friction between the pulley & the rope, the tensions are not same. Why the tension is not same in this case? Does tension arise due to Newton's third law? When a block is attached to the rope ,the rope gets streched and can I say tension then arises due to Newton's third law or only to undo the deformation? If Newton's 3rd law is cause, then how can there be different tensions in a same rope? Plz explain.

Best Answer

Say you have a weight tied to each side a a rope which is strung over a pulley with friction. Here's a really easy way to see why the tensions on each side of the rope can't be equal.

Imagine a really stiff pulley - in other words, ${\bf F}_\text{friction}$ is high. If that's the case, it'll be possible to balance unequal loads on this pulley system - i.e. a heavy weight on the right side and a lighter weight on th left - without the system moving. If the weights don't move, then we can say that the forces acting on each weight add up to zero:

For the heavy weight, there's the weight downward, ${\bf w}_\text{heavy}$ and there's the tension of the right side of the rope upward, ${\bf T}_\text{right}$. The tension pulls up and the weight down, and the system doesn't move, so

$$ {\bf T}_\text{right} - {\bf w}_\text{heavy} = 0 $$


$$ {\bf T}_\text{right} = {\bf w}_\text{heavy} $$

Similarly for the left (light) side,

$$ {\bf T}_\text{left} - {\bf w}_\text{light} = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad{\bf T}_\text{left} = {\bf w}_\text{light} $$

As you can see, the tension on the right, ${\bf T}_\text{right}$ is equal in magnitude to the heavy weight, while the tension on the left, ${\bf T}_\text{left}$ is equal to that of the lighter weight. The friction is introducing an extra force which changes the tensions on each side.

As far as your question about rope stretching goes, if you anchor a rope on one side and pull, the rope will pull back, creating a tension. This is indeed because of stretching in the rope. This is not really what Newton's 3rd law is referring to. Newton's third law, in this case, tells us that the force that we feel from the rope, tension, is exactly the force the rope feels from us pulling. The two are equal and opposite. You can change the tension by changing the stiffness of the rope, but whatever the tension, Newton's 3rd law will still be true - the rope will feel us pulling it as much as we feel it pulling us.