[Physics] How does defrosting your freezer save energy


I've been told I should defrost my freezer to save energy, wiki, here and here for example, but none of the linked sites is a peer-reviewed paper explaining why (the wiki article doesn't even have references), and I don't find it obvious. I don't understand how the mechanism works, and I ask you for a good paper read on the subject or an explanation.

Best Answer

Refrigerators and freezers work by running a really cold liquid through cooling pipes fitted in the cavity to be cooled. This flow (the compressor) is switched off when the set temperature is reached, the faster the set temperature is reached, the less energy the appliance uses.

Cooling tube.

Cold fluid at $T_c$ runs through the cooling pipes. The cavity to be cooled is at $T_f$. Now let's look at small area $A$ on the surface of a cooling pipe.

When the cooling pipe is clean (not frosted over) then Newton's cooling law tells us that the heat flux (amount of heat removed per unit of time) $\dot{q}$ through $A$ is:


Where $h$ is the heat transfer coefficient.

But when the surface is frosted over with porous ice, then:


It can be shown that:

$$\frac{1}{u}=\frac{1}{h}+\frac{\theta}{k}\implies u=\frac{hk}{k+h\theta}$$

Where $\theta$ is the thickness of the frosty material and $k$ the thermal conductivity of the frosty material.

Because the frosty material is a poor conductor of heat ($k$ has a low value):


(Note that the frosty material isn't pure ice, it's highly porous ice that contains much entrapped air, thereby further lowering the $k$ value of the frost). And this means that, all other things being equal:


Multiply this of course for the total surface area of the cooling pipes. So clean cooling pipes carry away the heat more quickly, resulting in the compressor running for shorter times to reach the set temperature. This saves energy, Note also how freezers that have been frosted over more (higher frost thickness $\theta$) perform worse.

A slightly more detailed approach:

Composite heat transfers.

$$\dot{q}_\textrm{clean}=u_1A(T_f-T_c)$$ $$\dot{q}_\textrm{frosted}=u_2A(T_f-T_c)$$ Here it can be shown that:

$$\frac{1}{u_1}=\frac{1}{h_1}+\frac{\theta_1}{k_1}+\frac{1}{h_2}$$ And: $$\frac{1}{u_2}=\frac{1}{h_1}+\frac{\theta_1}{k_1}+\frac{\theta_2}{k_2}+\frac{1}{h_3}$$

But here too, because the frost conducts heat poorly ($k_2$ is small):


So that clean pipes carry off the heat more quickly, all other things being equal.

Symbols used in this section:

$h_1$: convection heat transfer coefficient, cooling fluid to metal.

$h_2$: convection heat transfer coefficient, metal to air.

$h_3$: convection heat transfer coefficient, frost to air.

$k_1$: thermal conductivity, metal.

$k_2$: thermal conductivity, frost.

$\theta_1$: thickness, metal.

$\theta_2$: thickness, frost.