[Physics] How does covariant derivative act on Christoffel Symbols


the question is how the covariant derivative acts on the following?


Best Answer

It doesn't. The covariant derivative is a map from $(k,l)$ tensors to $(k,l+1)$ tensors that satisfies certain basic properties. As such it cannot act on anything except tensors. The collection of components $\Gamma^a_{bc}$ does not constitute a tensor.

If you got to this expression via something like $$ \nabla_d(\nabla_b A^a) = \nabla_d(\partial_b A^a) + \nabla_d(\Gamma^a_{bc} A^c), \tag{not recommended} $$ the problem is evaluating from the inside out. In order to express $\nabla_d$ in terms of partial derivatives and connection coefficients, you should imagine it acting on some arbitrary tensor with components $T_b{}^a$ first, and then later substitute $T_b{}^a = \nabla_b A^a$: $$ \nabla_d(\nabla_b A^a) = \partial_d(\nabla_b A^a) + \Gamma^a_{de} \nabla_b A^e - \Gamma^e_{db} \nabla_e A^a. $$

Now it turns out you'll get the same 6 or 8 terms fully expanded if you work the other way, treating $\Gamma^a_{bc} A^c$ as a (2,2) tensor and just applying the rules for covariant differentiation of such a thing, but I'm not sure this always works, and certainly the intermediate steps don't have any natural geometric interpretation.