Circular Motion – How Does an Object Undergoing Circular Motion Increase Its Tangential Velocity?


I completely understand the concepts behind uniform circular motion. But let's say you are spinning a ball connected by a string to a motor in a horizontal circle. When increasing the angular velocity of the spinning motor, I can't see how the ball connected to the string will have any force that allows it to increase its tangential velocity. How would the string be able to pull it so it accelerates tangentially all while undergoing circular motion? An example would be if you are swinging a ball in a circle above your head and you begin to spin it faster. How is the string causing the object to increase its linear speed? I believe tension can't cause it unless it's working at an angle less than 90 to the tangent because work must be done to increase the kinetic energy.

Best Answer

In the case that you describe, an individual swinging a mass horizontally on the end of a string, the string does not run directly to the centre of rotation. Instead, it runs to your hand, which in turn is moving in a circle about its centre of rotation . Sometimes the arm is involved, sometimes only a rotation at the wrist. ( Mime winding up a sling to throwing speed to see what I mean)

If everything is constant (and there's no drag on the mass), the line from mass to hand to centre of rotation is straight; the string tension exerts only the centripetal force needed to maintain the circle, as well as an upward component to keep the mass from dropping downward.

If you then speed up the circular motion of your hand to a new constant angular velocity, your hand's angular motion gets ahead of the mass's angular motion, and gets continuously farther ahead. So now the tension in the string is not in the line from the mass to the centre of rotation. There is a tangential component to the tension, constantly increasing, which serves to speed up the rotation of the mass.

This tangential force speeds up the mass's rotation, until the mass is rotating faster than your hand. Then the mass gets ahead, and your hand slows it down, and so on.

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