Radioactivity – How a Half-Life Works: A Thorough Explanation


Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. That means that after 5,730 years, half of that sample decays. After another 5,730 years, a quarter of the original sample decays (and the cycle goes on and on, and one could use virtually any radioactive isotope). Why is this so? Logically, shouldn't it take 2,865 years for the quarter to decay, rather than 5,730?

Best Answer

The right way to think about this is that, over 5,730 years, each single carbon-14 atom has a 50% chance of decaying. Since a typical sample has a huge number of atoms1, and since they decay more or less independently2, we can statistically say, with a very high accuracy, that after 5,730 years half of all the original carbon-14 atoms will have decayed, while the rest still remain.

To answer your next natural question, no, this does not mean that the remaining carbon-14 atoms would be "just about to decay". Generally speaking, atomic nuclei do not have a memory3: as long as it has not decayed, a carbon-14 nucleus created yesterday is exactly identical to one created a year ago or 10,000 years ago or even a million years ago. All those nuclei, if they're still around today, have the same 50% probability of decaying within the next 5,730 years.

If you like, you could imagine each carbon-14 nucleus repeatedly tossing a very biased imaginary coin very fast (faster than we could possibly measure): on each toss, with a very, very tiny chance, the coin comes up heads and the nucleus decays; otherwise, it comes up tails, and the nucleus stays together for now. Over a period of, say, a second or a day, the odds of any of the coin tosses coming up heads are still tiny — but, over 5,730 years, the many, many tiny odds gradually add up to a cumulative decay probability of about 50%.

1 A gram of carbon contains about 0.08 moles, or about 5 × 1022 atoms. In a typical natural sample, about one in a trillion (1 / 1012) of these will be carbon-14, giving us about 50 billion (5 × 1010) carbon-14 atoms in each gram of carbon.

2 Induced radioactive decay does occur, most notably in fission chain reactions. Carbon-14, however, undergoes spontaneous β decay, whose rate is not normally affected by external influences to any significant degree.

3 Nuclear isomers and other excited nuclear states do exist, so it's not quite right to say that all nuclei of a given isotope are always identical. Still, even these can, in practice, be effectively modeled as discrete states, with spontaneous transitions between different states occurring randomly with a fixed rate over time, just as nuclear decay events do.

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