[Physics] How does a fabric containing 10% stretch material make it stretchy


Why should adding a small amount of a stretchy material make an otherwise non-stretchy fabric stretch? Shouldn't the non-stretch fibres still constrain the maximum stretch of the fabric?

Best Answer

Four years after the OP, this question still doesn't have an answer, yet it comes up in the first page of google searches on fabric stretch, so I will give it a shot.

Why should adding a small amount of a stretchy material make an otherwise non-stretchy fabric stretch? Shouldn't the non-stretch fibres still constrain the maximum stretch of the fabric?

You are completely correct in your speculation: adding stretchy material to an otherwise non-stretchy fabric does not increase the stretch of the fabric at all. As you suggested, the amount of stretch is completely determined by the length and alignment of the the least stretchy fibers in the weave or the knit.

Instead, stretchiness is increased by making the least-stretchy fibers longer and distributing the extra length in some geometry that allows them to be pulled straighter when tension is applied in the direction of interest. The ability to distribute extra fiber using many different geometries is one of the primary contributions of knitted structures compared to woven ones.

There are two reasons why high-stretch fabrics contain added elastic material. The most important purpose is to improve the recovery of the fabric when the tension is released. The same knitted or woven fabric without the elastomer would stretch just as much, but would be baggy and would recover very slowly, or may not recover until processed in some way (washing, steaming, ironing). Adding elastomer in the right amounts and the right places allows that same fabric to spring back immediately.

The second way in which elastomers improve stretchable fabrics is by adding resistance to stretch. Where a stretchable fabric without elastomers may be stretched with very little force, adding elastomers increases the amount of tension required to stretch the fabric. This allows the fabric to retain its shape and structure until a designed-in amount of tension is applied.

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