Particle Physics – How Do We Know that Gluons Travel at the Speed of Light?


Since gluons are located within nucleons and immediately outside of them, how do experiments determine parameters like their speed? Is it possible we could be assuming they travel at the speed of light since they are massless, but in reality they travel faster/slower than light?

Best Answer

Gluons, like quarks, are bound inside nucleons. However, it's not quite correct to think of either quarks or (especially) gluons as being little particles inside a nucleon. Before addressing questions about their speed, it's important to appreciate the limitations of the idea that they are particles — or classical waves, or anything else to which we might normally apply a concept like "speed".

Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is expressed in terms of quark and gluon fields, not particles. Particles are phenomena that the model predicts when the conditions are right. The only particles that QCD predicts under ordinary conditions are mesons (like pions) and baryons (like protons and neutrons), both of which are "color neutral". In that context, I don't know of any natural sense in which qualities like "speed" can be attributed to individual gluons, because I don't know of any natural sense in which a meson or baryon is made of individual gluons! Mesons and baryons are a different kind of structure composed of quark and gluon fields. Even the usual cartoon of a proton being made of two up-quarks and a down-quark isn't quite accurate. It's good enough for some purposes (like the Bohr model of the atom), but a proton is more accurately described as a quantum superposition of many different combinations of quarks (and gluons), like three up-quarks and one anti-up-quark and a down-quark.

One of the most direct manifestations of individual quarks and gluons is in a phenomenon called jets. This phenomenon occurs, for example, when an electron and positron (anti-electron) are smashed together with a center-of-mass energy between about 5 GeV and 45 GeV (the GeV is a convenient unit of energy is particle physics; it stands for "giga electron volts"). In this energy range, the result is often two back-to-back "jets" of hadrons (mesons and baryons). QCD predicts that this will occur as the result of the electron and anti-electron annihilating each other and producing a quark and anti-quark moving away from each other in opposite directions. But since quarks (and anti-quarks) are confined under ordinary conditions, they don't get very far before they become "clothed" with other quarks and gluons, resulting in two back-to-back jets (bunches) of many color-neutral particles instead.

At the higher end of this energy range, above about 20 GeV, we occasionally see three-jet events, with three jets of color-neutral particles propagating away from the point where the electron and anti-electron annihilated each other. This is also predicted by QCD, which describes it as the creation of a quark, and anti-quark, and one gluon, all initially flying away from each other. This can't last for long, though; they quickly "clothe" themselves with other quarks and gluons, resulting in three jets of color-neutral particles instead.

(By the way, to check these things while I was typing them, I referred to page 24 in chapter 1 of Renton's book Electroweak Interactions. But I still accept responsibility if I've said anything inaccurate.)

So, how fast does a gluon move? Well, considering the high energies involved in the collisions that produce these jets, the final particles tend to be moving away from the collision point at very nearly the speed of light, even though most of them have mass. I'm not sure the "bare" gluon lasts long enough to really constitute a well-defined particle (maybe an expert can chime in and quantify this — or correct me if I'm wrong), in which case the concept of "speed" is once again not quite appropriate.

So, do gluons move at the speed of light? Before we can answer that in a meaningful way, we have to find a condition under which gluons exist as individual particles long enough for the concept of "speed" to make sense... and that's not as easy as it sounds.

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