[Physics] How do we get supersonic bullets


I recently answered a question on the WorldBuilding forum about grenades and bullets. One of the things that came up was that I argued smokeless powder in a rifle round could detonate, but was challenged on that. Commenters said that smokeless powder only deflagrates during normal use.

This, however, leaves me with a question. How can we accelerate a bullet to supersonic speeds using only a sonic speed pressure wave? As the bullet approaches the speed of sound, shouldn't the pressure wave be pushing the bullet less effectively? It strikes me that a bullet traveling at the speed of sound should not be able to be pushed by a pressure wave at the speed of sound.

How does this work?

Best Answer

The speed of sound increases with increasing pressure. Assuming ideal behaviour the relationship is:

$$ v = \sqrt{\gamma\frac{P}{\rho}} $$

or equivalently:

$$ v = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma RT}{M}} $$

where $M$ is the molar mass.

In a gun barrel just after the charge has gone off the gas is under very high pressure and very hot, so the speed of sound is much higher than under ambient conditions.

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