[Physics] How do two electrical charged particles know to repel or attract each other


Now per QED, electrical charges interactions are effected by photons. Suppose you are one of the two charges. How do you know to attract or repel the other charge? In other words, how do you know if the other charge is the same or opposite, since the critical interface you have with it is the zero-charged photon? It would seem that the photon would need to convey to the charges their relative polarity. How does the photon do that?

Best Answer

Now per QED, electrical charges interactions are effected by photons. Suppose you are one of the two charges. How do you know to attract or repel the other charge?

You want something that does not exist - intuitive picture of physical process within a theory which is a demonstration of how far can one go with mathematisation of experience and ignoring intuitive pictures.

To study quantum electrodynamics you have to concentrate on its computational algorithms and neglect intuitive pictures, to study intuitive pictures you have to neglect QED.

Both are a good thing to study, just do not expect it is easy to make them consistent.