Star Energy – How Do Stars Produce Energy Without Viable Fusion Reactions for Us?


From what I've learned, fusion reactions are not currently economically viable as of right now because the energy required to start the reaction is more than the energy actually released. However, in stars they have immense pressures and temperatures which are able to allow these reactions to take place. However, if these reactions are considered endothermic for us, how are they exothermic in stars? i.e. how are stars able to release energy?

Moreover, why are such fusion reactions for us endothermic in the first place? Given we are fusing elements smaller than iron, wouldn't the binding energy per nucleons products be higher and hence shouldn't energy be released?

Best Answer

The Sun is fabulously inefficient as a fusor: in a given year it consumes only about $10^{-10}$ of its fuel. For the Sun that’s actually a good thing, because it took us five billion years to notice. But an Earthside reactor where you have to confine and control a billion times more fuel than you actually use is quite different from the approach we’ve taken through history.

The Sun also operates at very low power density: in the hottest part of the core, about a hundred watts per cubic meter. You can imagine reproducing this power density by filling the inside of your house with scaffolding and operating one light bulb every cubic meter. It’d be warm, for sure, but not solar-warm; you might not even need to re-wire your house. You could get higher power density than the core of the Sun just by setting your house on fire.

The reason the Sun is still useful as a power source, despite its fabulous inefficiency, its low power density, and its astronomical distance, is that the Sun’s power-generating core is mind-bogglingly large.

At constant power density, the amount of effort it takes to confine a hot plasma goes roughly like its surface area (because you only have to push on the outside surface). Suppose I have a tokamak which produces a certain amount of fusion power and has a certain cost to keep the plasma contained. If I build the same design but three times bigger across, I expect the cost of confining the plasma to increase by a factor $3^2 = 9$. But if I keep the energy density the same, the energy output should go up like the volume, by a factor of $3^3 = 27$. The engineering question then becomes whether I can make the tokamak large enough that the power produced outstrips the containment cost, while still having it fit on Earth, in a building. (A big building would be okay.)