General Relativity – How Do Photons Affect Each Other Gravitationally?


Photons are energy. According to general relativity they should bend space.
Assuming two photons pass one another in a large void of empty space how would they gravitationaly affect each other exactly? Would there be a change in their path, a change in color, both, neither or something entirely different?

Best Answer

One can quantize linearized spacetime perturbations in General Relativity and compute the effect of photons scattering elastically by exchanging virtual gravitons. This theory isn’t consistent at Planck-scale photon energies but is believed to be fine at the energies of photons we observe... even very high-energy gamma rays.

All the energy coming in has to come out. In the center-of-momentum frame the two photons each enter with energy $E$ and exit with energy $E$. Thus in this frame there is no change in their frequency (“color”).

Their direction does change (but the effect is tiny). There is a probability of scattering through different angles, and this is described as usual by a differential cross-section $d\sigma/d\Omega$ which depends on the scattering angle $\theta$.

The details of the calculation are in this 1967 paper: Gravitational Scattering of Light by Light.

The differential cross section for unpolarized photons found in this paper — and then corrected in an erratum — is


As you can guess, $G$ is Newton’s gravitational constant and $c$ is the speed of light.

Try computing the area $G^2E^2/c^8$ for a visible photon (or a gamma-ray photon) to see how tiny and unmeasurable this scattering effect is!

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