General Relativity – How Do Gravitons Impact General Relativity?


As I'm reading about GR a lot lately, I was wondering: how do gravitons (if they exist ofc) impact the general relativity?

Since in GR, when we look at particles moving in space-time, we are only looking from geometric point of view so to say. Since gravity is represented with curvature of space-time via Einstein equations, we don't say gravity is a force that influences on bodies, gravity is just curvature affecting the bodies.

So if there is a graviton (gravitons) which would be mediators of gravity as a force within or not within the Standard Model, how would this be reconciled with the view of gravity as a curvature of space and time?

I would guess that this kinda question was asked by some scientists and answered, but I never really read anything on it. I don't even remember seeing gravitons mentioned in standard books about GR.

Are there any explanations about it?

Best Answer

How do gravitons impact on general relativity? [...] I would guess that this kinda question was asked by some scientists and answered...

It's been asked but never answered satisfactorily. The full impact on general relativity would be that it would become a theory of quantum gravity. Nobody has ever been able to construct a satisfactory theory of quantum gravity. We have various guesses, and we can reason by analogy with other fields such as the electromagnetic field, but basically not much is known.

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