[Physics] How did Maxwell’s theory of electrodynamics contradict the Galilean principle of relativity? (Pre-special relativity)


The Galilean principle of relativity:

The laws of classical mechanics apply in all inertial reference systems


No experiment carried out in an inertial frame of reference can determine the absolute velocity of the frame of reference

These two statements written above are equivalent.

Maxwell's equations were discovered later. My question is (1) how did Maxwell's equations contradict the Galilean principle of relativity?

Furthermore if one studies the two postulates of Einstein's special theory of relativity, they can be simply translated as follows:

Postulate 1: Galileo was right.

Postulate 2: Maxwell was right.

(2) How did the Maxwell equations retain the same form in all inertial frames by obeying the Lorentz transformation?

Best Answer

My question is (1) how Maxwell's equations contradicted Galilean principle of relativity.

Maxwell's equations have wave solutions that propagate with speed $c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0\epsilon_0}}$.

Since velocity is relative (speed c with respect to what?), it was initially thought that the what is an luminiferous aether in which electromagnetic waves propagated and which singled out a family of coordinate systems at rest with respect to the aether.

If so, then light should obey the Galilean velocity addition law. That is, a lab with a non-zero speed relative to the luminiferous aether should find a directionally dependent speed of light.

However, the Michelson–Morley experiment (original and follow-ups) failed to detect such a directional dependence. Some implications are

(1) there is no aether and electromagnetic waves propagate at an invariant speed. This conflicts with Galilean relativity for which two observers in relative uniform motion will measure different speeds for the same electromagnetic wave. This path leads to special relativity theory.

(2) there is an aether but it is undetectable. This path leads to Lorentz aether theory.