[Physics] How did Coulomb measure charges


I was studying some Electrodynamics when suddenly this question popped into my mind :

The whole of Electrodynamics is based on the Coulomb's Law. There is no derivation of this law because it is an empirical law. So Mr.Coulomb somehow $experimentally$ measured the force between two charges. . I do not doubt that Mr.Coulomb was a very intelligent person. My question is : How did he manage to put forward a law based on charges without actually knowing what a charge means or represents ? Coulomb's law contains the product of two charges. How does one measure magnitude of charges with some (more) fundamental truths of Physics without invoking any sort of Electro or Magneto concepts ?

Forgive me if this question seems very silly. I am just a beginner at this subject.

Best Answer

Coulomb did not know the absolute value of the charge but what he was able to do was to reduce the charge on one of his spheres by a known ratio.

He charged a metal sphere and used it in his experiment.
He then removed that metal sphere and touched it with an identical uncharged metal sphere.
He assumed that the final charge of the initially charged sphere was half of what had been initially because the initially uncharged sphere has removed half the charge from the initially charged sphere.
He could then use that initially charged sphere with half its initial charge to take a second set of readings.

You should note that defining the coulomb as the unit of charge is a rather recent.
The electrostatic unit (esu) of charge was defined using Coulomb's law, $F = \dfrac {q_1\,q_2}{r^2}$, where $F$ is the force of attraction/repulsion in dynes (the force required at accelerate $1$ gramme at $1\, \rm cm \,s^{-2}$), $r$ the separation in centimetres and the charge was then in esu or statCoulomb or franklin.

There have been many who have tried to reproduce Coulomb's original experiments to try and evaluate the sort of accuracy that Coulomb might have been able to achieve and even as to whether Coulomb actually got his "results" experimentally.
The paper The Material Intricacies of Coulomb’s 1785 Electric Torsion Balance Experiment and the links therein may be of interest?

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