Particle Physics – How Close a Particle-Antiparticle Pair Needs to Be for Annihilation


I've most often seen the statement that the annihilation of a particle and its antiparticle occurs when they 'collide' with one another. So in other words when they get very close to one another right?

How close do they need to be (for annihilation to occur)?

Charged normal/anti particles will naturally attract one another and lead to such a collision, but I imagine that non-charged pairs could be in some manner coaxed within close proximity – and short of a collision. In this situation can 'annihilation' be moderated to control the rate at which the energy is released, or does annihilation always occur as a sudden and full release of energy?

I did find a question very similar to my question here:

If atoms never "physically" touch each others, then how does matter-antimatter annihilation happen?

But it doesn't directly answer my main question nor the question of whether the annihilation event can be moderated.

Best Answer

A particle isn't really a point particle; its position is best described by a wavefunction: the probability of finding it in any particular region in space.

For annihilation to occur the wavefunctions of the two particles have to overlap - and to the extent that they overlap there will be a probability that annihilation can occur. The greater the overlap, the greater the probability. "Overlap", in this context, is the integral of the product of the wavefunctions over all space.

This is the point of the answer to the question you linked; now you are asking (in essence) "what is the extent of the wave function"?

This is of course a function of the mass of the object - the uncertainty principle tells us that $\Delta x \Delta p > \hbar$. The better known $p$, the greater the uncertainty in $x$. Or - the lighter the particle, the larger the uncertainty in its position.

I'm not sure what uncharged particle/antiparticle pair you are thinking of...

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