[Physics] How are gravity and the strong nuclear force related


Nature is replete with examples of apparently different physical behavior as manifestations of the same phenomenon. So, we can say that we understand something better when this apparent complexity is framed in terms of an underlying simplicity. Some well-known examples include electricity + magnetism (= electromagnetism), and projectile motion and orbits (= Newtonian gravity), etc.

A few years back there was an article in Scientific American called Quantum Gravity in Flatland that (if memory serves) alluded to the possibility that the strong nuclear force and what we call gravity are actually different manifestations of the same thing. This is undoubtedly an old idea. Given the history of physics, this would not be so surprising if proven true. After some poking around, I found Why are the 'color-neutral' gluons confined?, which is supposed to be a duplicate of Is Gravity a part of the Strong Nuclear Force?. (The first discussion curiously does not include the words 'gravity' or 'graviton'.)

We see that both are attractive forces, but what else is out there that would give merit to the idea that gravity and the strong nuclear force are indeed different aspects of a "graviti-strong force"?

Best Answer

So far as we know, they're not related at all.

Not only are the length scales and coupling constants extraordinarily different, but the two interactions have different symmetries: they transform differently under rotations. The color force transforms like a vector (sometimes re-stated as "gluons have spin one"), while gravitation transforms like a tensor (sometimes re-stated as "if a graviton were ever observed, we would expect it to have spin two").

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