[Physics] How a moving car becomes electrically charged


Car has been electrically charged as it travels along the road.how is this possible?

Best Answer

If the tires aren't conductive enough, the asphalt/concrete surface of the road acts like fur, and the tires act like amber, and charge separation occurs at the contact point, then the movement of the wheel does work on the separated charge. Charge repels, leaking through the axle to the car body, accumulates on the outer shell of the car. Basically, the tires (on the interior of the wheel well) are inside a Faraday cup, so this charge will always migrate to the outside.

Then the (newly discharged) tire surface comes back into contact with the road, and the cycle repeats.

Tires are black because of carbon (conductive) added particles, said to make the 'charge separation' event mainly not happen.

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