[Physics] Help finding Delta T for a known position displacement with known accel/decel, etc


I'm looking for an equation to find the time it will take for a position displacement to happen, given known $V_{max}$, a (known) constant acceleration, deceleration, jerk, and displacement… and an initial velocity of 0.

I am trying to estimate/calculate the time it will take for a servo motor axis to travel a certain distance. Once I know the estimated time of that move, I can solve for jerk for the other axis. That way, I choose an optimally "slow" speed for whichever axis has a shorter move distance to make the maximum use of my time.

FYI, this is a pick and place XY robot gantry.

Best Answer

I give you the result of my calculus without the details:

The result is :

$$ \Delta t = \frac{\Delta x}{V_{Max}} + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{V_{Max}}{a} + \frac{a}{j}) + + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{V_{Max}}{d} + \frac{d}{j})$$

where :

$\Delta t$ is the total time.

$\Delta x$ is the total displacement.

$a$ is the maximum acceleration.

$d$ is the maximum decceleration.

$j$ is the jerk.

$V_{max}$ is the maximum speed.

As a test, with your values :

$\Delta x = 2 m, a = 1m/s^2, d = 1m/s^2, j = 1 m/s^3, V_{max} = 1m/s$, I find :

$$ \Delta t = \frac{2}{1} + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{1}) + + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{1}) = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4$$

which is the correct result.

So I am quite confident in the formula.

[EDIT] The formula to obtain jerk is :

$$j = \frac{a + d}{2 (\Delta t - \large \frac{\Delta x}{\large V_{max}}) - V_{max}(\large \frac{1}{a} + \large\frac{1}{d})}$$

[EDIT 2]

The used model is :

Phase 1 : constant (positive) jerk $j$

Phase 2 : constant acceleration $a$

Phase 3 : constant (negative) jerk ($- j$)

Phase 4 : constant speed $V_{Max}$

Phase 5 : constant (negative) jerk ($- j$)

Phase 6 : constant decceleration ($d$)

Phase 7 : constant (positive) jerk ($j$)

In the formulas above, there are constraints, more precisely the duration of the phases 2, 4, 6 must be positive:

$$\Delta t_2 = \frac{V_{Max}}{a} - \frac{a}{j}\ge 0$$
$$\Delta t_4 = \frac{\Delta x}{V_{Max}} -\frac{1}{2}(\frac{V_{Max}}{a} + \frac{a}{j}) - \frac{1}{2}(\frac{V_{Max}}{d} + \frac{d}{j}) \ge 0$$
$$\Delta t_6 = \frac{V_{Max}}{d} - \frac{d}{j}\ge 0$$

If one of these constraints is not satisfyed, this means that the hypothesis taken for the model are incoherent, so we need another model.