[Physics] Heating effects of microwaves


I understand the heating effect(dielectric heating) of microwaves. This heating is caused by using a frequency of 2.45 GHz and this is the same frequency at which Bluetooth works and the L and S bands of communication.

The intensity of microwaves used for communication is very less than used in microwave oven.

What is the numerical value of microwave heating as a function of intensity (for example, in the case of a mobile phone and a microwave oven). And how can I calculate it?

Note: I have gone throught this post Could cell-phone radiation cause cancer? and the related wikipedea article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone_radiation_and_health. I know there are not any adverse effects of microwaves but I want to be sure that's why I want to know the numerical figures.

Best Answer

A microwave oven :

A microwave oven converts only part of its electrical input into microwave energy. An average consumer microwave oven consumes 1100 Watts of electricity in producing 700 W of microwave power, an efficiency of 64%

So within the cavity it is something like 700Watts

Blue tooth :

The Bluetooth specification targets power consumption of the device from a "hold" mode consuming 30 micro amps to the active transmitting range of 8-30 milliamps (or less than 1/10th of a watt).

100milliwatts top, from the link.

These numbers tell me

a) that the energy needed to cook a kilo of meat in 10 minutes or boil water in a cup in 1 minute is about 7000 times higher than the highest energy consumed by Bluetooth.

b)The microwave is a cavity resonator trapping the energy. Blue tooth is an antenna, radiating and necessarily following the 1/r^2 fall of intensity of radiated electromagnetic energy. At a distance from the ear(1cm) of even 20cm the impinging energy energy will fall 400 times. That is why people who are fastidious or overly scared, or who are always on their mobile use the "hands free" supplied with the instrument.

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