[Physics] Heat transfer between water tank and room temperature


I have 20 gallons of water (salt water, but this might be irrelevant). These 20 gallons have a heater that maintains a minimum of 78º F.

With the increasing temperatures during summer, the water during the day can go up to 80ºF. (Gain of 2 aprox).

My question is: If the heater was set to maintain a minimum of 80ºF would the increase in the room temperature affect the 20 gallons in the same way? Would it go up to 82ºF or would it stay the same since the difference with room temperature is less?

Best Answer

If you are using a good temperature controller it should hold that temperature at the set point almost regardless of external atmospheric temperature. As the external temperature rises it would use less power to maintain the fixed set point. As external temperature fall it will compensate by adding more power to match the heat loss from the tank.