[Physics] Heat Pumps and COP


Heat Pump COP (Coefficient of Performance)


With Heat Pumps is the efficiency/COP more dependent on the hot or the cold reservoir and why?

Best Answer

Actually the formula given in your question describes the thermal efficiency $Nth$ of a device , usually a heat engine that transforms thermal energy into mechanical energy and it's always: $Nth<1$.

On the other hand $COP$ or coefficient of performance is the ratio $Q/W$ of the device called heat pump, where $Q$ is the heat removed from the cold reservoir and $W$ the input work required in order to remove this heat (usually electrical energy).

For a heat pump operating at maximum theoretical efficiency (i.e. Carnot efficiency), it can be shown that: $COP=Q/W=Thot/(Thot-Tcold)$.

Because heat pumps do not transform one form of energy to another but in fact they transfer heat from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir,COP can and usually has a value much greater than $1$.

Notice also that the $COP$ term is commonly used to describe the performance of a heat pump device, when it is operating in heating mode.

Now about your question: Let's assume that a heat pump is operating at $Tcold=273K$ and $Thot=290K$ so $ΔΤ=17K$ and $COP=290/17=17.06$

Now let's assume that the same device operates at the same $ΔΤ=17K$ but the reservoirs temperatures are 10 degrees higher. In this case $COP=300/17=17.67>17.06$.

This means that our device is more efficient if the temperature of cold reservoir is greater (in heating mode), something expected because physically is more difficult to 'pump' or remove heat from a colder reservoir-enviroment.

It's obvious that the COP performance of a certain device depends on the enviroment conditions and it's value usually varies between 2.5 and 5