[Physics] Hamiltonian and the space-time structure


I'm reading Arnold's "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics" but I failed to find rigorous development for the allowed forms of Hamiltonian.

Space-time structure dictates the form of Hamiltonian. Indeed, we know how the free particle should move in inertial frame of references (straight line) so Hamiltonian should respect this.

I know how the form of the free particle Lagrangian can be derived from Galileo transform (see Landau's mechanics).

I'm looking for a text that presents a rigorous incorporation of space-time structure into Hamiltonian mechanics. I'm not interested in Lagrangian or Newtonian approach, only Hamiltonian. The level of the abstraction should correspond to the one in Arnolds' book (symplectic manifolds, etc).

Basically, I want to be able to answer the following question: "Given certain metrics, find the form of kinetic energy".

Best Answer

From reading the comments to the question, I think that a partial answer could be to show the Hamiltonian character of the relativistic dynamics of a material particle in an electromagnetic field. If this interpretation of the question isn't correct then at least I hope to help in finding out its true interpretation.

Let $(M,g)$ be a Lorentzian $4$-manifold and $F$ the closed $2$-form on $M$ describing the electromagnetic field. Let $H\in C^{\infty}(T^\ast M)$ be the kinetic energy defined by $H(\nu)=\frac{1}{2}g(g^\sharp\nu,g^\sharp\nu).$ It easily proved that if $\omega_0$ denotes the canonical symplectic form then $\omega_0+(\tau_M^\ast)^\ast F$ is also a symplectic form on $T^\ast M.$ (Here $\tau_M^\ast:T^\ast M\to M$ is the projection on the base.)

Then the motions are the projection on the base of the integral curves for the Hamiltonian vector field $X_H=\omega_F^\sharp(dH).$

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