[Physics] Half-life of substances


You must have noticed that half-life is defined for various radioactive elements and other substances too.Why is it that always the half-life is defined?Why not a quarter-life or full life?

Best Answer

The half-life $t_{1/2}$ is defined so that the amount of stuff you have $N(t)$ at some time $t$ is $$ N(t) = N_0 \cdot 2^{-t/t_{1/2}} $$ where $N_0$ is how much stuff you start with and you're familiar with the constant $2$.

This definition has several advantages. First, it's easy to explain, since scientists of all ages are familiar with the constant $2$. Second, it's unambiguous. If you asked about a "quarter-life," do you mean when a quarter of your original material remains $t_{1/4}$, which is after two half-lives, or when a quarter of your original material has decayed? The second option is not $\frac12 t_{1/2}$, because the decay is exponential and not linear; it's $t_{3/4} = t_{1/2}\log_2\frac43$, ugh.

"Full life" is not an option because the number of remaining decay-ers approaches zero only asymptotically.

When you start to do calculus, the same sort $\log_2$ ugliness comes up again. Another, probably nicer, way to write the decay equation is $$ N(t) = N_0 e^{-t/\tau} $$ where $e = \frac1{0!} + \frac1{1!} + \frac1{2!} + \cdots \approx 2.7183$ is the base of the natural logarithms. The constant $\tau$ is referred to by several names, depending on your mood and the experience level of the person you're communicating with: sometimes $\lambda \equiv 1/\tau$ is called the "decay constant," and sometimes $\tau$ itself is referred to as the "$e$-folding time" or simply "the lifetime."

A nice feature of the exponential form is that, if you assume that every decay is detectable (or that a known fraction of the decays are detectable) then you can find the measured activity of your source: $$ A(t) = -\frac{dN}{dt} = \frac{N_0}{\tau}e^{-t/\tau} $$ This means that if you can measure what your source's activity is, and measure long enough to watch it change, you have effectively weighed the radioactive part of the source by fixing $N_0$, even if $N_0$ may be only a few millions of atoms.