[Physics] Ground state energies with fermions of same spin

fermionshomework-and-exercisesquantum mechanicswavefunction

Consider two non-interacting Fermions (half-integer spin) confined in
a 'box'. Construct the anti-symmetric wavefunctions and compare the
corresponding ground-state energies of the two systems; one with
particles of identical spin and the other with particles of opposite

Now, the wavefunction with opposite spin is incredibly easy, One can just duplicate the spin wavefunction for helium, right?

What confuses me is the "ground state" energy of a wavefunction with two fermions of identical spin. Isn't that impossible? Wouldn't this look like non-excited helium with the same spin electrons in the 1S orbital (which can't be done)?

Best Answer

The particle of mass $m$ in the box of length $L$ in 1D is solved by wavefunctions $$ \begin{align} \psi_{n\alpha}&=A\sin (k_n x) e^{-\omega_n t}|\alpha \rangle\;, \\ k_n&=\frac{n\pi}{L}\;,\\ E_n&=\hbar \omega_n\;,\\ \omega_n&=\frac{\pi h n^2}{4L^2m}\;. \end{align} $$ Here, $|\alpha \rangle$ represents the spin state.

The global fermionic wavefunction for two particles is constructed from all pairs by anti-symmetrization, as $$ \Psi_{n\alpha m\beta}(x_1,x_2,t)=\psi_{n\alpha}(x_1,t)\psi_{m\beta}(x_2,t) - \psi_{m\beta}(x_1,t)\psi_{n\alpha}(x_2,t)\;. $$ Energy of state $\Psi_{n\alpha m\beta}(x_1,x_2,t)$ can be calculated as $$ (H_1+H_2)\Psi_{n\alpha m\beta}(x_1,x_2,t)=(E_n+E_m)\Psi_{n\alpha m\beta}(x_1,x_2,t)\;, $$ since each of the one-particle Hamiltonians acts on the respective one-particle wavefunction $\psi_{n\alpha}(x_1,t)$, which yields its eigenenergy $E_n$.

For identical spins, we are interested only in solutions for which $\alpha=\uparrow$ and $\beta=\uparrow$. The ground state is the lowest lying energy state of the system. In this case, it would correspond to $\Psi_{1\uparrow 1\uparrow}$, but this function is identically zero. Then next two lowest lying states are $\Psi_{1\uparrow 2\uparrow}$ and $\Psi_{2\uparrow 1\uparrow}$. Thanks to the antisymmetrization, $\Psi_{1\uparrow 2\uparrow} = -\Psi_{2\uparrow 1\uparrow}$ and it represents the ground state of the system with energy $E_1+E_2$. For opposite spins, we choose $\alpha=\uparrow$ and $\beta=\downarrow$. Here, the lowest lying energy state is $\Psi_{1\uparrow 1\downarrow}$ and it has energy $2E_1$.

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