[Physics] Green’s function for the Klein-Gordon equation diverging


I'm trying to work out the propagator for the free scalar field theory (i.e., the Green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation). On pages 23 and 24 of Zee's Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (you can also find the exact same derivation on page 5 of this) he puts this in the form of an integral over 4-momentum like so:

$$D(x) = \int \frac{d^4 k}{(2\pi)^4} \frac{e^{ikx}}{k^2 – m^2 + i\epsilon}$$

where the $+i\epsilon$ is equivalent to going under the pole in the left half-plane and over the pole in the right half-plane. So far, so good. He then does a contour integral over the energy component of four-momentum to get this:

$$D(x) = -i\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3 2\omega_k}[e^{-i(\omega_k x^0-\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})}\theta(x^0) + e^{i(\omega_k x^0-\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})}\theta(-x^0)]$$
where $\omega_k = \sqrt{\vec{k}^2+m^2}$ and $\theta$ is the Heaviside step function. Again, I can't find anything wrong with this. But when I try to do the integral over three-momentum, either in Mathematica or by hand, it diverges horribly. I've tried to do this over a range of conditions ($x^0 = 0$ and $\vec{x} \neq 0$, $x^0>0$ and $\vec{x}=0$, etc.) and no matter what I get an integral over $|k|$ that fails to converge. What am I doing wrong here?

As an example: Suppose $x^0 = 0$ and $\vec{x} \neq 0$. Then our integral turns into
$$-i\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3 2\omega_k} \cos(\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x}).$$
Writing this in a spherical coordinate system gives (since there's no $\phi$-dependence)
$$-i\int_0^\infty dr \int_0^\pi d\theta \frac{r^2\sin\theta}{8\pi^2\sqrt{r^2+m^2}}\cos(r|x|\cos\theta).$$
You can do the integral over $\theta$ pretty easily to get
$$-\frac{i}{4\pi^2 |x|} \int_0^\infty dr \frac{r\sin(r|x|)}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}},$$ which diverges. It seems rather bad that a disturbance should have infinite amplitude to propagate somewhere else instantaneously, so obviously something has gone very wrong here.

Best Answer

You have found the reason that most 4D QFTs need to have renormalization: The propagator is (UV) divergent!

To "cure" the theory, you need to regularize the theory (make the divergences expressible in some simple parameter like a momentum cutoff) - e.g. by dimensional regularization - and then proceed with some renormalization scheme. That the theory is non-interacting means that there are only finitely many divergent things - the propagator itself - as opposed to the infinitely many divergent diagrams what would need to be organized in orders of perturbation theory in an interacting theory, but, as you see, it does not preclude the necessity of renormalization as such.

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