Newtonian Mechanics – Gravitational Potential Energy of Mass Between Two Planets

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Suppose I want to launch a rocket from earth to some point $O$ between the center of earth and the center of moon (on a straight line connecting their centers), where the gravitational force of the moon 'cancels out' the gravitational force of the earth (this point is located at $\approx 54 R_E$ from the center of earth where $R_E$ is the radius of earth). I want to know how much energy I should spend in order for the rocket to get there (neglecting the atmosphere and the rotation of the earth around its axis). So, I know that this is basically the difference between the potential energy at the start point and at the end point of the destination. However, $O$ is located not only in the gravitational field of the earth, but also in the gravitational field of the moon. And it seems that I cannot neglect the gravitational potential energy of the body at the moon's gravitational field. So my question is – how can I combine these two? How can I calculate the total GPE of the body in two (or even more) intersecting gravitational fields?

Best Answer

Gravitational Potential is a scalar quantity so can be added algebraically directly for both(or more) bodies.

Also GPE is just Gravitational potential times mass. $$E=\underbrace{\big(\sum P\big)}_{\text{due to all bodies in vicinity}}\times m$$

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