[Physics] Graphene – Can it produce a magnetic field

graphenemagnetic fields

So it's probably a quick no on this one, but since I haven't majored in physics or chemistry I have no idea if it's possible to make Graphene generate a magnetic field.

Assuming power or current is no problem.
Having a small PCB made out of graphene components, will they generate magnetic currents? If so, can they become strong enough that you could build a electro magnet?

What I would like to do is simply replace the copper rotor of a DC brushless motor with a 3d printed graphene disc and/or replace the stator of the motor. If graphene can generate magnetic fields this should be possible right?

I guess what I'm also asking is if it's possible to induce magnetic fields in a carbon structure such as graphene which will be used to eliminate eddy currents within the rotor.

Best Answer

yeah it should do. as long as the material is conductive, it will induce a magnetic field. the problem is that you need exfoliated graphene which is hard to produce. once mass production of it starts, it will easily replace copper solenoids.

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