[Physics] Geometrical interpretation of the Dirac equation


Is there an intuitive geometrical picture behind the Dirac equation, and the gamma matrices that it uses? I know the geometric algebra is a Clifford algebra. Can the properties of geometric algebra, be used to paint a picture of the Dirac equation? I searched the web for this, but I couldn't find a credible source, that explains everything properly.

Best Answer

A little manipulation, (see this paper from 2009) gives the following form of the Dirac equation using geometric algebra:

$$\nabla \psi \gamma_{21} = m \psi \gamma_0$$

Where $\nabla = \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu$, of course, and $I = \gamma_{0123}$. I would just interpret this as a differential equation on a Minkowski spacetime, no different from how $\nabla F = - \mu_0 J$ captures electromagnetism in a 3+1 flat spacetime. The authoritative resource for further information on doing quantum mechanics with geometric algebra is probably Doran and Lasenby's book. Both Dirac and Pauli problems can be handled with geometric algebra, obviating the need for a true complex imaginary--objects that square to -1 naturally arise as a result of the geometry.