[Physics] general relationship between the conformal weight of a field and its (classical) scaling dimension


A field $\phi(z)$ has the conformal weight $h$, if it transforms under $z\rightarrow z_1(z)$ as

\phi(z) = \tilde{\phi}(z_1)\left(\frac{dz_1}{dz}\right)^h

The (classical) scaling dimension can be obtained for each field by appearing in the Lagrangian by making use of the constraint that has to be dimensionless, resulting for example in

[\phi] = [A^{\mu}] = 1

for a scalar and a gauge field or

[\Psi_D] = [\Psi_M] = [\chi] = [\eta] = \frac{3}{2}

for Dirac, Majorana, and Weyl spinors.

Are these two concepts of scaling dimension and conformal weight somehow related?

Best Answer

From "Perturbative quantum field theory" Edward Witten (page 446 in volume 1 of "Quantum fields and strings : A course for mathematicians"):

enter image description here

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