[Physics] Gauss’s law in a uniform charge distribution extending infinitely in all directions


Let us assume the universe filled with positive charge. About a particular point, all the positive charged particles will be symmetrical. Now consider a sphere of radius $r < \infty$ and apply Gauss law. According to Gauss law the electric flux through the sphere will be some finite value as it contains some positive charge. But by symmetry the electric field through the sphere and hence electric flux will be zero. This is a contradiction.

Best Answer

The problem here is that you've failed to specify a boundary condition.

In an electrostatics problem where you're given a charge distribution $\rho(\mathbf{r})$ and asked to find the electric field $\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r})$, the answer is the solution to the set of differential equations $$\nabla \times \mathbf{E} = 0, \quad \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \rho/\epsilon_0.$$ To get a unique solution to a differential equation, you have to specify a boundary condition. Usually, that condition is "the field is zero at infinity".

In this situation, the usual boundary condition doesn't work because the charge distribution is also infinite. To find the electric field, you must specify a boundary condition. Otherwise, the solution is just as ambiguous as trying to solve $F = ma$ without an initial position or velocity.

Once you do that, the symmetry will be broken, making your "$\mathbf{E}$ is symmetric so must be zero" argument fail. For example, one solution is $\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r}) = kx \hat{i}$ for some value of $k$. You can check it satisfies Gauss's law. The boundary condition is "the field looks like $kx\hat{i}$ at infinity", which is not symmetric.

This issue is subtle: it also comes up when considering gravitational fields in an infinite uniform universe. Newton made the same mistake, thinking that $\mathbf{g}$ had to vanish everywhere by symmetry.