[Physics] Gauge field and covariant derivative


To make the kinetic term in the Lagrangian for quantum field theories (for example qed) inveriant under local phase transformations we introduce the covariant derivative $D_{\mu} = \partial _{\mu} + iA_{\mu}$ with the gauge field $A_{\mu}$. But why is this field the electromagnetic field? Couldn't it be any field instead? I can't see in the derivation of the covariant derivative why the field $A_{\mu}$ is choosen.

Best Answer

The wave equation needs to stay invariant under local changes of phase. The gauge field $A_{\mu}$ that is introduced to enforce local gauge invariance is NOT an arbitrary function, it needs to represent something and it represents the possibility that the particle either emits or absorbs a photon, a quantum of the EM field.

The probability that it does so, at any particular spacetime point, is proportional to the coupling strength q, which is the magnitude of the electric charge of the particle.

After incorporating the function $A_{\mu}$, into the relativistic wave function, the description of the minimal interaction vertex that then occurs, is EXACTLY the same as the description given by QED.

Mininal Interaction Vertex

So A can be thought of as representing the photon. Therefore, the inclusion of QED into relativistic theory is required by the demand for invariance under local changes of phase, i.e. a U(1) transformation.

The above is based around my notes from Sean Carroll's "The Particle At The End Of The Universe." and "Deep Down Things" by B.A. Schumm