[Physics] Fusion: Why deuterium and tritium


I would like to know why scientists try to use deuterium and tritium for fusion and not just the ordinary isotope of Hydrogen ${}^1H$?

Best Answer

The problem with attempting to fuse two protons is that there is no bound state $^2$He, for the rather obvious reason that there are no neutrons present to hold the two protons together. The fusion of two protons requires one of them to undergo beta plus decay while the two protons are close, and the probability of this is vanishingly small. It happens in the Sun because there are an awful lot of proton collisions in the Sun's core and even the tiny probability of fusion produces a sizable overall reaction rate.

By contrast fusing deuterium and tritium produces $^5$He, which does have a bound state, so this has a relatively large probability. The deuterium and tritium fuse to form $^5$He, and this then decays to $^4$He and a neutron with a half life of about $7 \times 10^{-22}$ seconds.

See the related question: How much faster is the fusion we make on earth compared to the fusion that happens in the sun?

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