[Physics] Fundamental difference between neutron and proton


As I try to understand the elementary particles, I was reading strong interactions and Isospin from a book. Then I came across this:

Thus, the strong interactions do not distinguish between a proton and a neutron.
Consequently, if we imagine a world where only the strong force is present, and the weak and electromagnetic forces are turned off, then in such a world
a proton would be indistinguishable from a neutron.

Now, I understand this means there is no difference, fundamental in nature between the protons and neutrons. And the charges are not elementary in nature. I'd like someone to explain it to me whether I'm right or not.

Best Answer

In the standard model of particle physics, there exist elementary particles out of which all other matter is composed.


elementary particles

The proton and the neutron are composed out of up and down quarks

the proton is (u u d) and the neutron (u d d). If you notice in the table the quarks have different charges. In the hypothetical case of no charges, there will still be the symmetry to which the strong interaction ties the quarks, so a proton and a neutron will still be different, occupying the isotopic spin +1/2 and -1/2 respectively in the representation. They will have the same strong force effects as composites of quarks , following the symmetries.

This is just a statement to demonstrate the isotopic spin symmetry that arises from the strong interactions. Charges are fundamental in nature because we cannot turn them off.

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