[Physics] From where does gravity get its energy to do work upon an object

energynewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanicspotential energywork

For an object or force to do work, it needs energy. But, from where does the gravitational force get the energy to do work upon, say, a falling object? The gravitational force is doing work upon the object, isn't it?

I searched the internet and Physics SE, and found this. Caesar asked a similar question and udiboy1209 answered it.

udiboy1209 says:

Let's take the example of a ball dropped from some height. Gravity of the earth pulls it downward, doing work on the ball and giving it kinetic energy. The question you ask is where did it get this energy from?
Go back a step and think about how this ball ended up at such a height? You lifted it up with your arms and put it on that height. Your arms did work against gravity, spent some energy to put that ball on that height. Where did that spent energy go? This was given to gravity!

When you do work against gravity, you store energy in the gravitational field as gravitational potential energy, which then gravity uses to do work on that object.

But isn't the work done by our arms stored on the ball? He says that the energy spent is stored in the gravitational field. Work is done upon the ball; shouldn't the energy be stored on the ball? If so, then where does gravitational force get its energy to do work upon the ball on the first place?

Best Answer

You can think of gravitational energy being stored in a system of bodies, not just one body or the other. When you apply force over a distance (work) to the ball, it is being stored in the system of "the ball and the Earth." We can capture the concept of this energy stored in the system by saying its "stored in the gravitational field," but at the very minimum we should say that it's stored in the system.

Similar issues show up in electrostatics. In electrostatics, potential energy is almost always between two bodies, not in one or the other. If you choose to think of it as being in one body or the other, you end up in some really peculiar paradoxes.

What makes this tricky to understand intuitively is that we have many cases where one object is so astonishingly massive compared to the other that we can often handwave away this system-wide thinking, and pretend that the ball is the thing that actually has the gravitational potential energy. This is similar to how electrical engineers assume there is such a thing as a "ground" and that it can sink infinite electrical energy (there's a glorious pile of issues like ground loops which are associated with faulty assumptions regarding grounds). However, in many reasonable environments, these simplifications (such as assuming the earth doesn't move in response to us jumping upwards) are effective, so we keep using them.

There are also theories regarding what gravity "is" in general relativity and quantum mechanics. If one wishes, one can pursue those and come to a deeper answer. However, I don't believe they are necessary for everyone to learn.